
0 votes
For one reason or the other my system does not update automatically anymore. So, I tried to update manually with
yum clean all

yum update

and got the following error:
Loaded plugins: clearcenter-marketplace, fastestmirror
Setting up Update Process
ClearCenter Marketplace: fetching repositories...
Determining fastest mirrors
Could not retrieve mirrorlist$releasever error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Could not retrieve mirrorlist$releasever error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Could not retrieve mirrorlist$releasever error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Could not retrieve mirrorlist$releasever error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
* contribs:
* private-clearcenter-backuppc:
* private-clearcenter-dyndns: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found"
Trying other mirror.
To address this issue please refer to the below knowledge base article

If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please open a ticket with Red Hat Support.

Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: clearos. Please verify its path and try again

Googling on this learned me the issue may be caused by problems with this file: /etc/yum.repos.d/clearos.repo
I tried several possibilities but nothing has worked out so far.
Does anybody has a suggestion to solve this?
Would it be possible to download the update on a cd or usb drive and update from that? My server is able to boot from usb drive, but I am a bit woried that my raid configuration on which I have my shares will be lost.

Tuesday, February 07 2017, 09:08 PM
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Responses (6)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 08 2017, 12:55 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Please tell us the Version of ClearOS you are using (6.x or 7.x) and the Edition (Home, Pro, Community, Business)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 08 2017, 06:45 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I am running ClearOS Community release 6.4.0 (Final)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, February 09 2017, 03:35 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    6.4.0 - way behind :o - at some point in the past ClearOS radically changed the repository organization for 6.x - but cannot remember now if it was before or after 6.4. Regardless it is best to keep up to date - for two reasons. 1) Very important - Security and 2) Updates sometimes create an issue - the fix for which is normally swiftly forthcoming at that time. You will have a large number of updates. If you have an issue with one, if an old update, trying to discover the solution from a few years ago - maybe a lot of searching of old posts - could be time-consuming and tedious.. Better to encounter these when they are currently discussed. Hopefully you will have a clean upgrade... :)

    There used to be an option whereby you downloaded the latest iso and used the "Upgrade an existing system" to bring the machine up to the level of that on the disc which should be reasonably recent, then complete using the market-place. No idea if this is still available or works... have not used in years. Don't have an old system to try - my systems are more up-to-date than any iso available.

    If you wan to up-date your repo files... I am assuming here that your diagnosis is correct. What follows is a suggestion - again don't have an installation that old to test... The rpms can be downloaded manually by specifying the url location and package...
    "/etc/yum.repos.d/clearos.repo" is supplied by the clearos-release-community package - so files from this package will provide the latest available repo files...

    First copy your repo directory so you can go back if necessary...

    # cp -r /etc/yum.repos.d /etc/yum.repos.d.saved

    to download...
    # wget

    now extract the repo information only
    # rpm2cpio clearos-release-community-6- | cpio -ivd ./etc/yum.repos.d/centos-unverified.repo
    # rpm2cpio clearos-release-community-6- | cpio -ivd ./etc/yum.repos.d/clearos-centos.repo
    # rpm2cpio clearos-release-community-6- | cpio -ivd ./etc/yum.repos.d/clearos.repo

    now move them to their proper directory (y to overwrite - we saved your originals)
    # mv ./etc/yum.repos.d/* /etc/yum.repos.d/

    That will give you the latest clearos repo files...

    I am not sure whether this is enough to get you going, or if it will barf on something like the os level in the /etc/*release* or market-place files... Installing the whole rpm you downloaded will update the *release* files, and several other besides - but would be more difficult to back-out of... I temporarily edited my /etc/clearos-release file to "ClearOS Community release 6.4.0 (Final)" - the other *release* files are symlinks so they also changed automatically. Yum didn't seem to care, and in fact, a yum update installed the latest ntp and ntpdate packages that have just been released...

    So up to you - your system - your responsibility
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, February 11 2017, 12:42 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Tony, thansk for your elaborate response!
    I'll give it a try ater this weekend and let you know the outcome.
    In case it fails, I assume should just instell the latest version from scratch, correct? In that case, can I keep my shares which are on separate drives (2 drives in raid 1 configuration)? (ie, I have one drive with the OS, and two drives for the shares).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, February 11 2017, 10:26 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Sure you can reinstall to just one drive, but you must be careful that the other two are not touched. Always use the custom install here so can have control over exactly what the install is going to do... but - you need the skill to do this...

    Another way is to disconnect them for the install. Maybe use the "Configuration Backup and Restore" to make things easier - just make sure you have copied the latest backup "backup--------.tgx" file (and maybe the one before) someplace where you can retrieve it. Never used it, but doc seems to indicate it should put things back they as they were - however, cannot speak from experience here...

    If you don't use that app (or even if you do) and disconnect the drives, understand how they were setup so you can access them again, both the raid configuration and the shares. If you were using flexshares cannot help as they are never used here... A backup copy of /etc/mdadm.conf could become useful for the raid setup...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, March 12 2017, 02:53 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Tony,
    It took me some time to arrange all backups but finally found time to do so. I followed the instructions but still update does give the same error as before.
    Now I am downloading the latest iso, wil try to reinstall the server while maintaining the raid1 and shares.
    Thanks for all the support!
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