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ClearCenter Unveils Global Network of Cloud-Based Services via ClearSDN

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ClearSDN is live!  


Headline:  ClearSDN global data centers connect to ClearOS installations to monitor and update software, content, resources and services


We are proud to announce that the ClearSDN service is live and in full service.  Each ClearOS installation can be registered to receive software updates as well as valuable content updates and monitoring services.  One of our most popular services is content filter updates to keep your Internet traffic content safe and clean!  


Here is a link to the press release:
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During the past 20 years, Michael has helped start and grow numerous successful companies in the IT sector. Prior to founding ClearCenter (an IT Delivery Platform) & ClearFoundation (an IT Operating System) he started DirectPointe (an IT services company, now owned by HP & C7). He also helped launch and establish Calculated Research & Technology, way back in 1995 :). Michael is a creator and knows how to produce results by rounding-up great teams and helping them to focus on simple yet measurable, transparent goals. In addition, Michael has successfully acquired & integrated many great IT companies including iTOK, Center7 (Helpdesk & NOC), STI, System Works, S3 & Witsbits.

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