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  • Facebook announces a new way of communicating a users location, that will allow their current location to be seen by their friends. This new measure will increase the marketing possibilities for businesses and give consumers more localised information.

    Location based social networks are springing up on on the web and Facebook wants to capitalise on this new phenomenon. There are already a number of social networks based solely on the users location. The "where are you now?" strapiline will soon be as common as "whats on your mind?"

    Location based services will allow business to connect to consumers real time. Initially the location based services will allow a user to communicate with their friends, therefore allaying any fears of privacy that may arise. There has been increasing discussion about a user's privacy, given the amount of information facebook user's are making available in the public domain.

    Given Facebooks 500 million users, they have the Scale make this service a hit from the outset. The Facebook iphone app will be a key driver of location based service that is envisaged by Facebook's product managers