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  • Thanks for this helpfull answer. Yes I've installed phpLDAPAdmin via "sudo yum -y install phpldapadmin" and the dictionary server is installed.
    Publish Policy: Local Network
    Accounts Access: Password Access (already tried Anonymous too)

    I would like to use the LDAP server with other servers in my private network. I am running an Kubernetes Cluster orchistrated by Rancher behind ClearOS and I whant to make use of LDAP on some services.

    I've configured phpLDAPAdmin and it is able to connect, but jus as anonymous user. I tried the bind DN and the bind password but I get the following errors:

    I am very frustrated because I have been trying for days but without success.

  • Thanks that worked. It didn't worked because I've forgot to set $servers->setValue('server','base',array('')); to my base DN.

  • It looks like you need to make a number of edits to /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php. The ones I've done are:

    • to
    • toThis may not be necessary as it could be default.

    • toThis is your Base DN from the webconfig.

    • to
    I think that is all the changes I can spot.

    Also, and you've probably already done it, I had to edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpldapadmin.conf to allow LAN access and restart httpd.

  • It looks like you need to make a number of edits to /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php. The ones I've done are:

    • to
    • toThis may not be necessary as it could be default.

    • toThis is your Base DN from the webconfig.

    • to
    I think that is all the changes I can spot.

    Also, and you've probably already done it, I had to edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpldapadmin.conf to allow LAN access and restart httpd.

  • Thanks for this helpfull answer. Yes I've installed phpLDAPAdmin via "sudo yum -y install phpldapadmin" and the dictionary server is installed.
    Publish Policy: Local Network
    Accounts Access: Password Access (already tried Anonymous too)

    I would like to use the LDAP server with other servers in my private network. I am running an Kubernetes Cluster orchistrated by Rancher behind ClearOS and I whant to make use of LDAP on some services.

    I've configured phpLDAPAdmin and it is able to connect, but jus as anonymous user. I tried the bind DN and the bind password but I get the following errors:

    I am very frustrated because I have been trying for days but without success.

  • How to connect with PHPLDAPAdmin as Administrator?

    Hi, I am using ClearOS since a few weeks.
    My current goal is it to get control about the LDAP Server on my ClearOS Server to manage Authentifikations for other services and servers in my internal network.
    I am not able to login with an LDAP account on any other platform, like PHPLDAPAdmin, NextCloud, or Rancher.

    How could I do that?
    I was able to connect PHPLDAPAdmin with the Dictionary Server but only as anonymous, but not with an priviligied account.

    I hope someon could help me.

  • How to connect with PHPLDAPAdmin as Administrator?

    Hi, I am using ClearOS since a few weeks.
    My current goal is it to get control about the LDAP Server on my ClearOS Server to manage Authentifikations for other services and servers in my internal network.
    I am not able to login with an LDAP account on any other platform, like PHPLDAPAdmin, NextCloud, or Rancher.

    How could I do that?
    I was able to connect PHPLDAPAdmin with the Dictionary Server but only as anonymous, but not with an priviligied account.

    I hope someon could help me.

  • Sandro Maier
    Sandro Maier just registered on the site
  • Sandro Maier
    Sandro Maier unlocked the badge Newbie
    Congrats on registering on the site!