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  • nethsecurity is a good replaced as a firewall for ClearOS
    If you want the other server feature you also need Nethserver.
    Nethserver 8 is using docker.

    The community on the forum is very supporting and the teammembers are very helpfull.
    Looks like the old days at Clear

  • The incompetence of those left at Clearcenter knows no bounds. The marketplace is broken, the mirrors are down and the webconfig has slowed to a crawl, all because of actions at Clearcenter.

  • Patrick de Brabander
    Patrick de Brabander likes the reply for the discussion, Re: can't install apps

    The incompetence of those left at Clearcenter knows no bounds. The marketplace is broken, the mirrors are down and the webconfig has slowed to a crawl, all because of actions at Clearcenter.

  • ClearOS 7 went past its end-of-life yesterday, so what now? All the Centos7 repos which ClearOS relied on for updates when updates were actually happening, have now been pulled. ClearOS is 23 months behind Centos for updates as no updates to ClearOS have happened since 31st July 2022. There are critical vulnerabilities in ClearOS including in the core packages, so ClearOS must be considered insecure.

    I understand Nick Howitt has a copy of the necessary Centos repos and updated ClearOS packages which can bring ClearOS up to date to 30th June 2024 and will fix all critical vulnerabilities to that point and that he can be contacted at:But that can only be a short term measure because, if any more vulnerabilities get discovered, they will never be fixed, no matter how severe the vulnerabilty. Really the whole ClearOS operating system should be replaced.

    I am not sure what happened to all Michael Proper's platitudes and promises of a replacement. Vapourware?

    Personally I would have thought splitting the firewall from the rest of the server functions was a good way to go. For a Firewall, I'd look at pfSense, Opnsense, IPFire and NethSecurity (based on OpenWRT). For a server, it really depends on your use case.

  • I completely agree.
    ClearOS has not been supported for a long time and Michael has gone up in smoke after his promises.
    Nick was the only positive factor and can be trusted. happy that he still managed to make some fixes for threats.
    It's really just shameless that Michael makes his users pay for doing absolutely nothing for it.
    Afijn. I myself switched to NethSecurity as my firewall and VPN server. This runs fine and the support from the team and forum are great. Feels like the Clear forum of a few years ago.
    When NetServer 8 is a bit more developed I will also switch my mail server and be completely rid of ClearOS.
    This hurts a bit after being an active user for 20 years.

  • ZonderMet wrote:

    Patrick de Brabander wrote:

    [quote]ZonderMet wrote:

    I agree that NS8 is not as good as NS7, but I will give it time.
    I am currently running Nethsecurity as a firewall and gateway and this works fine.

    Thanks for mentioning Nethsecurity! I just totally missed that.
    I've put everyone on Zentyal or Sharepoint. But I am not 100% convinced Zentyal is the way to go.
    For some reason they don't like Beta testers, and things are stuck in 2010. No IP v6 support. And some weird bugs. If it runs, it runs, but I am not sure if they will last. But on the other hand, I would have had bought CLEAR foundation shares in 2018 if I had money laying around. So what do I know.

    I'm running Nethsecurity now for a few weeks and i must say that it is stable and the development and support are good.
    This package is the most important for me because the other packages like email of nextcloud are easy with other distros to combine.

  • ZonderMet wrote:

    I canceled my subscriptions over a year ago. If you pay for support and find out the support team has not been there for a while. How can I explain that to my end customers.
    It's a shame Nethserver 8 isn't a drop in replacement like 7 was.
    If ClearOS would get a reboot, I would test it right away. It had so many unique pros.
    I can't believe it has gone the way of the Dodo because of lack of interest. Let's focus on the side projects. And forget the core.

    My subscription expired this month and I am not going to renew it.
    I am not going to pay if there is no support or service, but neither am I going to pay someone to mismanage and leave their business untouched.

    I agree that NS8 is not as good as NS7, but I will give it time.
    I am currently running Nethsecurity as a firewall and gateway and this works fine.

    At least on the forum, there is activity and support.
    I am willing to pay for this or at least give my support.

    Should there be future ClearOS even then I will no longer support this because the person who will make money from this is not worth it.
    Besides, there is nothing in development yet so it will take at least a year before there is anything

    I have been an active user for over 18 years and find it very unfortunate that it is being handled this way.

  • Michael Proper wrote:

    ClearOS Server is still under active development!

    Currently, the ClearOS Server Portal is being updated from the ground up. Peter, Ben, and others are working on this.

    ClearOS Server development will leapfrog directly from Clear Server OS 7.x to ClearOS Server 9.x and skip the 8.x major release(s) completely, with the IBM acquisition of Redhat and surrounding noise, this was the best path forward.

    ClearOS Mobile 10.x is under current active development and fully supported.

    Please watch for continued updates.

    Special thanks to those who add value for providing community support and seeing the value of the paid support and surrounding team(s).

    I've recieved an email to renew my subscription and after 21 years activally involved with Clarkconnect and ClearOS i came to the conclusion to not renew and pay for my subscription or services any more. I've lost my faith in the management of COS and will move slowely to another distro.
    I'll keep wathing on the forum and will try to help other users.

    Thank you Micheal and all the best with the development of Clear

  • If you read through the threads of this forum, you will see that it's a bad idea to use COS as a server, since it's outdated and unsupported. It used to be a great package, but alas, it is no more.

  • Mick L wrote:

    It looks like Gateway Management updates are now available. Please see this thread.

    Nick is a good guy and knows a lot of COS.
    Nice that he providing this service. Don't expect anything from Clear so for the fee he is giving a good service
    More value for money then Clear is giving us for our subsciptions