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I was wanting to explore some of the APIs on port 83 and was wonder what other endpoints are offered. On the document ion page ( it shows /api/v1/network and on the authentication part of the docs ( its displays /api/v1/network/interfaces and they do display info but I can't imagine those are the only two endpoints. I'm using Postman and when I go to "/api/v1/network" is displays in the capabilities section "/api/v1/network/interfaces" but if I just type in "api/v1/" the capabilities section is empty. My end goal is really to see if I can access the speed test and any network statistics and report them to my home automation server so I can see the current speed test results and how much data has been sent/received on the WAN port. Thanks for any info you can provide.

Sunday, March 01 2020, 05:22 PM
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