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I've found QSF concept realy interesting but it seams that filling QSF file must be done by package name (like for yum install) instead of application name displayed in market place.

How do we find the package name of an Apps ?
Is there a listing somewhere ?
How could I build this package list in command line ?

Thanks in advance for any answer (and may be QSF page update).
Sunday, July 30 2017, 09:56 AM
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    R. Wagner
    R. Wagner
    Monday, November 02 2020, 05:01 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    I still can't figure it out-
    **How do we find the package name of apps - i.e 1-1-NAT?**
    No ideas at all?

    I am trying to download UTM QSF. No luck at all
    Unfortunately I do not have any login credentials. Any ideas here?

    It would be really great, if we could get some information and an example and maybe the login credentials to download UTM QSF files as an example.

    Many thanks!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, November 02 2020, 06:41 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Quick answer, the username and password is "pub".

    Longer answer, the server was rebuilt by someone 18 months ago and he subsequently left and the QSF files were nowhere. I bumped into the issue recently and I restored the QSF downloads based on another document which indicated that a username/password was required. As this document does not have the requirement I'll remove it as soon as possible.

    If generating your own QSF file, the best thing to do is to set the server up installing nothing. Then run:
    rpm -qa | grep ^app- | grep -ve "-core-"

    This will give you a base set of packages.

    Then using the Marketplace, select your own apps that you want and don't base the installation on a QSF file or you may end up with more apps than you want. Again run the same command when you've finished. The difference between the commands gives you the apps you want for your QSF (but there is no harm including the base apps).

    There is more info in this document.
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