
0 votes
We have a field office that accommodates 8 employees.

We have two 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot MiFi 4620LE

We would like to use COS for gateway and load balancing.

Will multiwan work using multiple wireless nics to connect to the hotspots?

This office is very rural and is barely achieves 3G. As it stands, one hotspot is also acting as network router and employees have to manually change their connection to the second hotspot during heavy traffic.

Thanks for your time and any assistance. It has been a long time since I have been here. ClarkConnect has come a long way. Very impressive work.
Thursday, July 04 2013, 01:30 AM
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 04 2013, 03:43 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    For wireless client mode, only WEP is supported right now (WPA/WPA2 is supported in ClearOS, but only in AP mode). It looks like Red Hat Enterprise Linux will natively support WPA/WPA2 client mode in RHEL 7 (ClearOS 7). I'm sure there's a way to hack WPA/WPA2 client mode into ClearOS 6, but I don't know how messy that would get.

    As for Multiwan, it won't have a problem with the 3G/4G scenario. Given that the network is "barely 3G", you may want to tune the failover settings to be more aggressive. Here's the relevant part of the /etc/syswatch configuration file:

    # Retries
    # - Number of times we should ping before we call the network "down"
    # - default: 5


    # Ping interval
    # - Interval time (in seconds) between test pings
    # - default: 60


    # Failed interval
    # - Time (in seconds) between pings when Internet is down
    # - default: 15


    You might want to try something like:

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