
0 votes
We have a series of printers that have been running well with the ClearOS CM 7 installed CUPS solution with ghostscript. It appears that after the May 15, 2019 updates to ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.11, there is a problem with cups-filter.

The symptom is all submitted jobs fail with the message "Filter Failed". Looking at the /var/log/cups/error_log file, there is a message "Process is dying with "Unable to determine number of pages, page count: -1", exit stat 3.

A little other research seems to indicate a broken relationship between the updated ghostscript-cupsxxx and cups-filter. A suggested fix is to back rev ghostscript- or upgrade cups-filter.

Suggestions? Is there a repository I can activate to get an updated version of cups-filter?

Thank you for your help!
Friday, June 21 2019, 03:38 AM
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Accepted Answer

Friday, June 21 2019, 04:15 PM - #Permalink
0 votes
You can downgrade with "yum downgrade" but you need to specify the full packages you want to downgrade to, with their dependencies. Try:
yum downgrade ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.10 ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.10
If it works, you'll then need to block upgrades to ghostscript until it is fixed. It can be done in /etc/yum.conf with an exclude line.
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Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 21 2019, 01:08 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Here is an excerpt from the /var/log/cups/error_log:

    E [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] The following messages were recorded from 07:05:30 AM to 07:05:30 AM
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Adding start banner page "none".
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Queued on "DELIVER" by "apache".
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Auto-typing file...
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Request file type is application/pdf.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] File of type application/pdf queued by "apache".
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Adding end banner page "none".
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] time-at-processing=1561115130
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] 2 filters for job:
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] pdftopdf (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] foomatic-rip (application/vnd.cups-pdf to printer/DELIVER, cost 0)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] job-sheets=none,none
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[0]="DELIVER"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[1]="3087"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[2]="apache"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[3]="1561115130.pdf"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[4]="1"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[5]="finishings=3 number-up=1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:9ac877bb-51a8-3226-6a37-fec131d144d9 job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1561115130 time-at-processing=1561115130"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d03087-001"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/lib64/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[10]=""
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.6.3"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[13]="USER=root"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[14]="CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[19]="LANG=en.UTF-8"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/DELIVER.ppd"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/pdf"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[23]="DEVICE_URI=socket://"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=DELIVER"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION=DELIVER"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[26]="PRINTER=DELIVER"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[27]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=none"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[28]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[29]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-pdf"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] envp[30]="AUTH_I****"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 19077)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 19078)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 19079)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Getting input from file
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] foomatic-rip version running...
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Parsing PPD file ...
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option ColorSpace
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option PageSize
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option ImageableArea
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option PaperDimension
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option InputSlot
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option Resolution
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Added option Font
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Parameter Summary
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] -----------------
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Spooler: cups
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Printer: DELIVER
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Shell: /bin/bash
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/DELIVER.ppd
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ATTR file:
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Printer model: HP LaserJet Foomatic/laserjet (recommended)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Job title: 1561115130.pdf
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] File(s) to be printed:
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] <STDIN>
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Ghostscript extra search path ('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Printing system options:
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'finishings=3'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option finishings=3.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'number-up=1'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option number-up=1.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'job-uuid=urn:uuid:9ac877bb-51a8-3226-6a37-fec131d144d9'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option job-uuid=urn:uuid:9ac877bb-51a8-3226-6a37-fec131d144d9.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'job-originating-host-name=localhost'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option job-originating-host-name=localhost.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'time-at-creation=1561115130'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option time-at-creation=1561115130.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Pondering option 'time-at-processing=1561115130'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Unknown option time-at-processing=1561115130.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Options from the PPD file:
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ================================================
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] File: <STDIN>
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ================================================
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: +connecting-to-device
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Looking up ""...
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Filetype: PDF
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Storing temporary files in /var/spool/cups/tmp
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] PID 19077 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Process is dying with "Unable to determine number of pages, page count: -1
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ", exit stat 3
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Cleaning up...
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] PID 19078 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 3.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] hrDeviceDesc="HP LaserJet M402n"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] prtMarkerColorantValue.1.1 = "black"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ATTR: marker-colors=#000000
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ATTR: marker-names='"Black Cartridge HP CF226A"'
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ATTR: marker-types=toner
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] ATTR: marker-levels=100
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] new_supply_state=0, change_state=ffff
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -developer-low-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -developer-empty-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -marker-supply-low-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -marker-supply-empty-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -opc-near-eol-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -opc-life-over-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -toner-low-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -toner-empty-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -waste-receptacle-almost-full-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -waste-receptacle-full-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -cleaner-life-almost-over-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -cleaner-life-over-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] new_state=0, change_state=ffff
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -media-empty-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -door-open-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -media-jam-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -input-tray-missing-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -output-tray-missing-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -marker-supply-missing-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -output-area-almost-full-report
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] STATE: -output-area-full-warning
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x55a74886ab38, side_cb=0x55a748630340)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] PID 19079 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/socket) exited with no errors.
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] End of messages
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] printer-state=3(idle)
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] printer-state-message="Filter failed"
    D [21/Jun/2019:07:05:30 -0400] [Job 3087] printer-state-reasons=none
    E [21/Jun/2019:07:10:32 -0400] [Job 3087] Stopping unresponsive job.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 21 2019, 01:43 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    This is not a product I now at all, but the log gives some clues. It tells you to increase the LogLevel for more debugging and gives you an error message you can google "Process is dying with "Unable to determine number of pages, page count: -1"
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 21 2019, 02:51 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Google gives plenty of hits, and I notice ghostscript updated a couple of nights ago. Has your system updated to the new package, ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.11.x86_64?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 21 2019, 03:54 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Nick Howitt wrote:

    Google gives plenty of hits, and I notice ghostscript updated a couple of nights ago. Has your system updated to the new package, ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.11.x86_64?

    "Recent Software Activity: (ghostscript)
    ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.11 Updated May 15, 01:16:03
    ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.11 Updated May 15, 01:15:59
    ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.10 Updated Apr 17, 04:20:32
    ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.10 Updated Apr 17, 04:20:30
    ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.9 Updated Apr 13, 02:23:33
    ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.9 Updated Apr 13, 02:23:29"

    Actually, the ghostcript-cups upgrade from _610 to _611 may be the issue. I need to understand how to roll back the 15 May _6.11 to try the 17 Apr _6.10 to see of this solves the problem. At least, as a test....
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 21 2019, 05:47 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Nick Howitt wrote:

    You can downgrade with "yum downgrade" but you need to specify the full packages you want to downgrade to, with their dependencies. Try:
    yum downgrade ghostscript-cups-9.07-31.el7_6.10 ghostscript-9.07-31.el7_6.10
    If it works, you'll then need to block upgrades to ghostscript until it is fixed. It can be done in /etc/yum.conf with an exclude line.

    Downgrading from the ghostscript 15 May, 2019 _6.11 to the 10 April 2019 _6.10 version solves the cups printing problems. Thank you!
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