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I have searched all the posts but i cant get the template.html to appear when switching the reportinglevel to 3. I don't know if something was changed in 6.6 but everyone says to change the reporting level in the web gui to custom. This does not exist. I really would like some step by step on how to get the template.html to appear for blocked sites.
Sunday, April 12 2015, 05:33 PM
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Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, April 20 2015, 02:28 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Michael,

    I haven't used a custom template before, but it sounds like this might be happening:

    - Page gets blocked
    - Custom template is sent, but it too goes through the filter
    - Custom template gets blocked
    - Custom template is sent again, but it too goes through the filter again
    - etc.

    You may have to put the IP of the ClearOS system in the content filter whitelist. That's a bit of a guess.

    For customers, we implement custom pages using the ClearOS webconfig/template system, so we don't know much about those HTML templates.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 19 2015, 03:37 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thanks for the reply but i do understand the different logging levels what i am trying to figure out is usage of a custom access denied page. Everything i read talked about changing the reporting level to 3 in /etc/dansguardian-av/dansguardian.conf which has the setting at the very top.

    # Web Access Denied Reporting (does not affect logging)
    # -1 = log, but do not block - Stealth mode
    # 0 = just say 'Access Denied'
    # 1 = report why but not what denied phrase
    # 2 = report fully
    # 3 = use HTML template file (accessdeniedaddress ignored) - recommended
    reportinglevel = 3

    This will supposedly allow you to make a custom HTML file in the /etc/dansguardian-av/languages/ukenglish folder which should be displayed I am guessing anytime one of the rules from dansguardian is tripped. I just can't seem to get the HTML to show up, all i ever get now is error message text usually
    DansGuardian - 400 Bad Request
    The requested URL is malformed.

    But the long and short of it is i am trying to customize the error report page that displays when you go where you should not go.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, April 18 2015, 11:12 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    In the configure policy section of the content filter policy there is a setting to modify the block page to show more or less detail. The default is 'short report' which show the block URL/domain and the reason for the block. The setting of 'stealth mode' makes it so that the site is NOT blocked but that the reason code still shows up in the log file and the filter report. The verbose logging of 'full report' will show the match words for word filter and what categories got hit.

    For example, my wife was looking for a certain weight of yarn that had had to do with digits on ones hand. The content filter blocked the page and we didn't know why. We turned up the logging and it show the word that it was objecting to. I modified the rules to say that if 'yarn' and that word appear together, weight it in the opposite direction of match to the word alone. This made it work.

    This is the GUI setting that they are referencing. If this isn't the information that you are trying to garner, perhaps you can rephrase the question. That being said, there are other options for logging and other things you can do with the content filter. For example this:

    In this howto it demonstrates changing out the block page for a limited allow based on some credentials. But what is of note here is the requirement to change the logging type to the nonstandard delimiter. The nonstandard delimiter is more informative but is incompatible with the current way we do things. Perhaps this will give you more information that you need?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, April 18 2015, 03:19 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    DOES anyone know how to do this or am i the only one trying. All i want is custom pages when the sites are blocked by the content filter. Not to much to ask i am sure someone has done it.
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