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Wiki Style Guides

This wiki section is dedicated to style guides for this wiki and for this website's issues and layouts. This is useful for users who would like to participate in improving documentation, assist in development and prototyping howtos, and editors and translators alike.


All typical content is placed in the :content:LANGUAGE directory (for US English, use the :content:en_us directory.) The docuwiki does not handle case well so please use lower case for all document names and references. The name should be descriptive but more importantly, you need to add your references in the 'keywords' section at the bottom of your document. To make changes to the wiki, you will need edit privileges. Please contact ClearCenter for rights to modify the wiki. Please be familiar with the standards maintained in this document.

Template Pages for Howto and Knowledgebase

Use this page to template your layout for howtos and knowledgebase articles:

This page will also contain instructions to help you craft articles.

Other Templates and style guides

Syntax Guide

The following guide will help you with the syntax of the wiki:


The site is undergoing transformation by importing legacy aspects of ClearCenter and ClearFoundation documentation. To make sure this happens well, some reorganization has occurred. The following is a list of old objects and where they can now be found (this serves as a transition sitemap):


ObjectOld PathNew locationComments
articles:articles:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'kb'
developer:developer:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'dev'
howtos:howtos:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'howto' or 'howtos'
playground:playground:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'skunkworks'
release_info:release_info:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'release' or 'releases'
start:start:startStays the same
user_guide:user_guide:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'userguide'
web_site:web_site:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'website'
wiki:wiki:content:en_usLinks should include the keyword 'wiki'
related_eventsrelated_events:content:en_usLinks to other sites? Doesn't need to exist. Deleted.


ObjectOld PathNew locationComments
ClearOS 6 userguidedocumentation:user_guide::content:en_usNeed keyword checking

Open:content:en_suThis folder contains all typical content. Create all content here and properly add keywords for it to index properly
Open:userguides:ClearSDN:Service Delivery Network - ClearCenter Portal
Open:userguides:Developer:Developer Guides
Open:userguides:Website:ClearOS Website and Forum Guides

Premium Content

In some cases, articles will exist behind content specific walls. Links will exist to articles in separate wikis which require authentication or specific subscriptions to access. In these cases, the articles will exist as a line in the wiki.

Making changes

To make changes to the wiki, you will need rights. You will need to request for those rights and log into as the user that has wiki edit rights. From there, you will navigate to the wiki core here: doku .php? id=start

For example, you can navigate to the following URL to make a document called kb_howto_do_this_or_that: doku .php? id=content:en_us:kb_howto_do_this_or_that

Remove the three spaces in the URL. And then bookmark that location

From here you can simply edit the document.

Pay attention to the structure of the directory. For the most part, all articles are located in the content:en_us folder for English wiki articles. As mentioned earlier, you can use the Syntax Guide for help on formatting articles. You can use templates or other articles to help you craft your article.

For the most part, please store images in :omedia

Wiki Elements Added to System

There are some additional wiki elements from extensions and plugins.


Informational Note

Notes give information as an aside to the main topic or give emphasis to the current topic.

This is a new feature.

This is a new feature.

Important Note

Important notes give notice for recommended items. This will come from best practices or other compelling factors.

Enabling outside http access and authenticated user access on Web Flexshares without using SSL will mean that your passwords will be transmitted across the Internet in plain text!!

Enabling outside http access and authenticated user access on Web Flexshares without using SSL will mean that your passwords will be transmitted across the Internet in plain text!!


A tip shows the users optional information that can be particularly useful but not required. This can be a best practice or some method that is just cool.

Enabling this feature makes this usable by the Flexshare module.

Enabling this feature makes this usable by the Flexshare module.


Warnings are used to express concern if there are irreversible or dangerous procedures. These help the reader take special care before proceeding.

Formatting your drive during the install automatically WILL delete all information on ALL drives that are connected, not just the first one !!

Formatting your drive during the install automatically WILL delete all information on ALL drives that are connected, not just the first one !!

To help guide users through a specific task, you will often ask a user to click through a menus system. For example:

Network|Firewall|Port Forwarding

Network|Firewall|Port Forwarding


To help guide users through a specific task, you will often ask a user to click on a specific button. For example:

Add the IP address and click on

Add the IP address and click on 


knowledgebase/wiki/wiki.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/24 13:30 by dloper