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This guide will help you install the ClearOS Core Gnome environment on ClearOS Enterprise. This can be useful for some tools which are available only available through the X Windows environment. You should have at least 2 Gigs of RAM.

Getting Started

Before getting started, you can see what you have in your repo by running yum search gnome and examining the list.

You should have an installed version of ClearOS 6 Enterprise. Log into the command line and perform the following:

mkdir /root/support /root/support/iso
mkdir /mnt/core-iso /mnt/enterprise-iso

Copy the ISO for ClearOS Core and ClearOS Enterprise (copy Enterprise only for Alpha and Beta versions) to the /root/support/iso directory. Mount the ISOs using the following:

mount -o loop /root/support/iso/clearos-core-6.1alpha1-x86_64.iso /mnt/core-iso/
mount -o loop /root/support/iso/clearos-enterprise-6.1alpha2-x86_64.iso /mnt/enterprise-iso/

Create the following files:


name=ClearOS Enterprise $releasever - $basearch - ISO 


name=ClearOS Core $releasever - $basearch - ISO 

Know you can contrast this list with the original list by running yum search gnome.

If you make a mistake with the repo files, you can clean up your repos by running yum clean all and start over.

Installing Gnome and Nautilus

Run the following to install a minimally configured environment:

yum install gnome-common nautilus gdm

You may want to also install other packages to make it useful:

yum install xterm

Launching Gnome

Enter your ClearOS console session by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7. Once inside the console, press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. This will place you in the ClearOS Enterprise Text interface (to get back to Webconfig in the console, log in at the red box and select F2 - Launch Graphics-mode Console). Navigate to a different shell by typing Ctrl+Alt+F2. Run the following:

content/en_us/kb_howtos_gnome.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/11 10:16 (external edit)