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ClearOS Professional 6.0.0 Status Update

This page provides status information for the ClearOS 6.0.0 test cycle. We expect to have a public alpha release in late May or early June. The status below provides a glimpse of our internal development milestones.

Apps for Alpha 1

Last Updated: May 11, 2011


  • Date and Time
  • DNS Server
  • Gateway Antivirus
  • Gateway Antiphishing
  • Graphical Console
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Intrusion Prevention
  • PPTP Server
  • RADIUS Server

To Do

  • Active Directory Connector
  • DHCP Server
  • Incoming Firewall
  • File Server (library only)
  • Group Manager
  • Port Forwarding
  • Protocol Filter
  • Storage Manager
  • System Mode
  • User Manager
content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_professional_6.0.0_status_update.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/10 09:32 (external edit)