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ClearOS community 6.4.0 Alpha 1 Release Information

Released: December 7, 2012

ClearOS Community 6.4.0 Alpha 1 has arrived! Along with the usual round of bug fixes and enhancements, this release introduces a new reports engine, a storage manager, an antimalware file scanner, a basic POP/IMAP server as well as upstream proxy support. A number of new reports are available with the release of the reports engine:

The purpose of the Alpha is to get some early feedback on some of the new apps, so this version should not be considered stable at all. In addition, the new apps in the alpha are NOT available via the Marketplace but can be installed via yum. You can find installation and app details further below.

If you have not already done so, please review the introduction to test releases.

What's New in ClearOS Community 6.4.0

The following is a list of features coming in ClearOS Community 6.4.0.

For businesses and organizations, ClearOS Professional 6.4.0 (not yet released) will also include:

  • Intrusion Protection Report
  • Content Filtering by IP
  • Amazon EC2 Images
  • Samba 4 Directory (Beta)

There have also been a couple of apps already released since ClearOS 6.3.0:

The full changelog can be found here:


Please post your feedback in the ClearOS Development and Test Release Forum.


Virtual Machines

For 6.4.0 Alpha 1, 32-bit virtual machine images are available:

VMware EnterpriseVM Instructions32-bit350 MB7a8a08ecfdf03886fdae47ff32f733cb
VMware BasicVM Instructions32-bit346 MB20a77af1dc48ad6774a615532f853770
VirtualBoxVM Instructions32-bit346 MB42bd1a3cca51c610827d237fb245e483
VirtualPCVM Instructions32-bit346 MB1e91dff30531a7be7b8fa03570fff046

Upgrade from ClearOS Community 6.3.0

As an alternative to the virtual machines, you can install ClearOS Community 6.3.0 and upgrade to 6.4.0 Alpha 1.

yum --enablerepo=clearos-test,clearos-updates-testing upgrade "app-*"

To really simulate the 6.4.0 install experience, run the following before going through the first boot wizard on a fresh 6.3.0 install:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-test,clearos-updates-testing install app-storage app-upstream-proxy

Alpha Testing Details

Storage Manager

The new Storage Manager app provides a clean way to separate app data from the underlying operating system. Flexshares, web proxy cache, mail stores and other data intensive apps are mapped to /store on the file system. This /store could be a separate RAID partition, an external store, or an Amazon S3 store.

By default, the /store directory is used by the Storage Manager. If you are in a VM environment, you can attach another disk to your virtual machine and then mount it to /store. In future test versions, you will be able to do this via the ClearOS web-based administration tool. For now, we're just kicking the tires on the command line.

Upstream Proxy

One of the features added to ClearOS 6.4.0 is support for upstream proxies. The initial testing for this feature requires some command line knowledge as well as direct access to the Internet (e.g. no proxy!). Once we are comfortable with the stability of the new feature, we will roll it into the release. In the ClearOS 6.4.0 Alpha 1 release, you should now see an Upstream Proxy step in the first boot wizard.

Upstream Proxy is installed by default on the virtual machine images. For the 6.3.0 upgrade path, run:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-test install app-upstream-proxy

IMAP and POP Server

To install the IMAP and POP Server run:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-test install app-imap

You may need to stop/start the IMAP/POP Server after making a configuration change. That's an alpha bug… sorry about that. The documentation has the details: User Guide

Reports, Reports, Reports

To install the available reports, run:

yum --enablerepo=clearos-test,clearos-updates-testing install "app-*report*"

You can find documentation on the reports here:

content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_community_6.4.0_alpha_1_release_information.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 12:32 (external edit)