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ClearOS 7.7.0 Community Release Information

Released: 15 Oct 2019

ClearFoundation and ClearCenter are proud to announce the community release of ClearOS 7.7.0 This is a minor release of ClearOS and focuses on important security updates as well as new applications in the ClearCenter Marketplace.

New Features Included in 7.7.0 Release and Since 7.6.0

  • Storage Manager updates
  • App-Sia
  • Network Bridge Support
  • 2 unannounced apps to coincide with Business Release
  • Merge kernel with upstream (QoS changes previously release allow for QoS on systems without modified kernel)
  • Merge of upstream Samba (Domain functions now properly supported upstream)
  • DNSMasq merged with upstream (previously branched)
  • Various security and bug fixes.

New Upstream Features and improvements Include

  • Kernel live patching
  • ipset rebased to newer version

ClearOS 7 features a Community, Home, and Business version. All versions of ClearOS will install from the same install image. You will be required to select your version during the initial setup wizard on the first boot after ClearOS is installed.

Change Log

The full change logs can be found here:

Number of bugs closed since last release: 130+


Roadmap Tracker and Open Bugs


Please post your feedback in the ClearOS 7.7 Community Discussion Forum.


ISO Images

The ISO image will be available after the full release of ClearOS 7.5.0 when it can support Home and Business versions in addition to Community.

Virtual Machine and Cloud Images

Virtual Machine and Cloud Images are not yet available for this release.

Platform Image Proceedure
Amazon EC2 clearos-7.2.0 - ami-8fb03898 Install and run updates to 7.5

Upgrade from Earlier ClearOS Community 6.x Releases

There is no supported method yet from upgrading from ClearOS 6 to ClearOS 7.

Make a copy of your configuration data. Backup your user data as well or retire your ClearOS 6 disk. ClearOS 7 now supports the import of your configuration data but not your user data.

Upgrade from Earlier ClearOS Community 7.x Releases

Upgrades from 7.1.0 on properly running systems will happen automatically. To manually upgrade from ClearOS 7.1.0 or to validate that you are at the latest version run:

yum update
content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_7.7.0_community_release_information.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 14:02 by nickh