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CVE 2003-1567

'The undocumented TRACK method in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 returns the content of the original request in the body of the response, which makes it easier for remote attackers to steal cookies and authentication credentials, or bypass the HttpOnly protection mechanism, by using TRACK to read the contents of the HTTP headers that are returned in the response, a technique that is similar to cross-site tracing (XST) using HTTP TRACE.'

ClearCenter response

Short response

This CVE affects IIS Server running on Microsoft environments. This system is not affected.

Long response

This CVE does not affect Linux systems. Only IIS running on Microsoft is susceptible to this CVE. The inclusion of this CVE as being relevant to ClearOS indicates an inability of the audit system to properly identify the running OS or web services application.


No action required.

content/en_us/announcements_cve_cve-2003-1567.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/22 10:04 by dloper