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RAID 0 - Striping

Preparing the Hardware

For software RAID 0, you need at least two hard disks. Since the RAID partition on both the hard disks must be of equal size, it is a good idea to use hard disks with (roughly) the same storage capacity.

In our example, we are using two SATA disks. These hard disks are detected in Linux as:

  • /dev/sdb
  • /dev/sdc

For purposes of this demonstration we will assume that /dev/sda is used for the system partition, swap, and boot partition.

Deleting Partitions

Please refer to Deleting Partitions if you need assistance in removing existing partitions.

Creating the RAID 0 Partition

We will create a RAID 0 volume for our MySQL server using /var/lib/mysql as our mount point. This will allow our database server to optimize for speed.

  • Tab to the New button and hit return

  • Tab down to File System type and select software RAID
  • Tab to Allowable Drives and mark only sdb and take the mark off of all the other drives.
  • Tab down to radio buttons and select 'Fill all available space'
  • Tab down to OK and hit return.

Repeat the same process for sdc and, be sure to mark the correct allowable drive and take the marks off of all the other drives.

Now that we should have two identical configurations, we can create the software RAID disk:

  • Tab to the RAID button and hit return
  • Type in /var/lib/mysql in the Mount Point field
  • Tab to RAID Level and select RAID0
  • Tab to RAID Members and make sure the two partitions created earlier are selected

Configuring the Boot Loader

Once completed, click OK and continue through the boot loader installation process. Please refer to Boot Loader document for if you require help with this step.

content/en_us/7_d_raid_0_-_striping.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/03 11:33 (external edit)