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Software Repository

A list of repositories available to the server. A software repository is a storage location where updates and new packages can be downloaded and installed on the server. Apps available in the Marketplace are dependent on which repositories are enabled.


If your system does not have this app available, you can install it via the Marketplace. Unless you are an advanced user/admin or wish to participate in beta testing, you probably do not need to change/edit your repositories settings and will not need to install this app.

You can find this feature in the menu system at the following location:

System|Operating System|Software Repository


Like many Open Source Software projects, ClearOS uses different repositories maintained by the ClearFoundation and ClearCenter developer teams to make software packages (RPMs) available for install or upgrade.

Separate repositories provide control to the user administering the ClearOS system. By enabling a repository, an admin is essentially placing their 'trust' in the software packages that exist not only today, but in future updates.

This trust is key to maintaining a stable environment. We cannot understate the importance of leaving the system defaults in place or enabling a repository only for a specific task and then disabling it. If you have automatic updates enabled and you enable repositories associated with software development and bleeding edge work, you *will* break your system.

In ClearOS and in general, software repositories are used to separate software packages according to pre-defined criteria. For example, a repository may be maintained by contributors - those developers who are not a part of the base development team but create apps to enhance the functionality of ClearOS.

Another key role of repositories is to nurture newly released packages through a process of validation. In ClearOS, that pathway for an app goes as follows:

  1. dev
  2. test
  3. updates-testing
  4. updates
  5. os/clearos (final releases)

The next section will detail some of the repositories you'll find in ClearOS and what they are used for.

Default ClearOS Repositories

The following is a list of repositories you will find for ClearOS. They are listed in alphabetical order, not in order of stability or progress through the development process.


On the mirrors, the packages (files) this repository contains is actually the folder named os/ClearOS.


These packages make up the install media that is used to conventionally deploy ClearOS so that the base software can be installed your your computer or virtual environment. As with any software, updates to individual packages are released to fix bugs and security vulnerabilities or add new features. These updates will replace the versions you install from the install media. Depending on how long ago the install media was built compared to when you installed the software, you may have very few or a large number of updates to apply.


A single source RPM package can produce multiple RPMs. Any non-essential RPMs that are produced by building a package are added to the clearos-addons repository. For example, the openldap software produces both the server (ppenldap-server) and development libraries (openldap-devel). The openldap-devel package is added to clearos-addons.


Third party packages are maintained in the clearos-contribs repository.


When a package is first introduced to the ClearOS software management system (and created by one of the core developer team members), it will reside in the clearos-dev repository. Packages in this repository would/should be considered pre-alpha quality at best.

Unless you are part of the developer team, you are strongly advised to keep this repo disabled. If you are on a supported platform (e.g. ClearBOX, ClearOS Professional etc. and install software from this repository and require assistance, getting assistance from ClearCenter will fall outside the scope of any support policy (e.g. support on a consulting basis only).


The clearos-developer repository contains some tools for ClearOS app development.


The clearos-extras packages are required for building ClearOS. This repository is enabled by default.


Any package promoted from the clearos-dev repo or if a prior package already exists somewhere in the repository structure for ClearOS, a package will enter clearo-test repo.

Unless you are instructed by support or knowledgeable users, you are strongly advised to keep this repo disabled.


This repository can be considered by admins as stable. Packages here have been through a stringent quality control process, both upstream from source code used to create ClearOS, in addition to ClearCenter's own QA resources.


Packages here are in a state of transition, and should not reside for any length of time. They have cleared initial test and are placed here through the developer review process as a promotion in their state - they are no longer considered unstable, however, they have not gone through enough of a QA process to be promoted to clearos-updates repository.

If you find a bug or are working with a support team member of ClearCenter, you may be asked to enable this repository to install an update that has been deemed safe to install, but without knowing 100% that it will fix the issue you have encountered. In this case, it is safe to do so, and you will be participating in the overall goal which is to continually improve the quality of the ClearOS software.


These repositories are private, password protected repos used to delivery subscription based services or apps that are not free to the public. For example, if you are subscribed to ClearCenter's Remote Server Backup service, you will see listed in your repository settings:


Private repositories cannot be disabled. They will automatically be removed if your subscription expires or if you disable Marketplace yum plugin (see Advanced section below).

Additional ClearOS Repositories

In addition to the base ClearOS Professional operating system, the following repositories are available.


ClearOS Professional is a specialized Linux distribution designed to be a server/gateway for small and distributed organizations. The software is derived from a subset of source code from a general purpose server distribution - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 1). Though only a subset of source packages are used, the full set of packages have been rebuilt and available in the clearos-core repository.


The clearos-epel repository provides quick access to the popular EPEL / Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository.

We do not recommend leaving this repository enabled by default. The EPEL packages are maintained on an ad-hoc basis, so care needs to be taken.

Enabling/Disabling a Repository

The summary page lists all repositories without much detail - repository name, description and enable/disable status.

The first time loading this page after logging into webconfig may take some time (30-60 seconds) to display your repository list. The system is fetching and updating the data used in creating this summary in real-time. Fortunately, the information is cached and subsequent access times will be much short. If you install new software or change repository settings, this cache will automatically be deleted and a longer page load time will occur again.

To view a detailed summary along with toggles for enabling/disabling a repository, click on the Detailed View link. You will see a full layout table containing number of packages along with a button for each repository to enable/disable.

Further Reading

1) Trademark is the property of the respective owner. ClearCenter is not affiliated with Red Hat.
content/en_us/6_software_repository.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/29 02:53 (external edit)