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Network Detail Report

The Network Detail Report provides a historical view of network information per IP, user and device types. This report is invaluable for monitoring network usage and abuse.


This app has been withdrawn due to performance issues. It is highly recommended that current users uninstall this app.

This application has been withdrawn and cannot be installed from the Marketplace.

You can find this feature in the menu system at the following location:

Reports|Network|Network Detail Report


Depending on how you have deployed ClearOS, the Network Detail Report may show the following information:

  • Top IPs
  • Top Device Types
  • Top Users
  • Top External IPs

For standalone systems, only the Top External IPs report is available. For gateway systems that are not running the Network Map app, only the IP reports are available.

ClearOS Network Detail Report

content/en_us/6_network_detail_report.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/11 12:10 by cjones