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  • As with all fixes, ClearOS performs fixes to the existing version numbers. This is why you will still the version 'e' when you investigate. What is important is the minor version numbers.

    You can validate that you have the patch by running:

    rpm -qi openssl

    You should have results similar to this:

    [root@office ~]# rpm -qi openssl
    Name : openssl Relocations: (not relocatable)
    Version : 1.0.1e Vendor: CentOS
    Release : 16.el6_5.7 Build Date: Mon 07 Apr 2014 08:43:19 PM MDT
    Install Date: Tue 08 Apr 2014 06:30:58 PM MDT Build Host:
    Group : System Environment/Libraries Source RPM: openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.7.src.rpm
    Size : 4209635 License: OpenSSL
    Signature : RSA/SHA1, Mon 07 Apr 2014 08:49:16 PM MDT, Key ID 0946fca2c105b9de
    Packager : CentOS BuildSystem
    URL :
    Summary : A general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
    Description :
    The OpenSSL toolkit provides support for secure communications between
    machines. OpenSSL includes a certificate management tool and shared
    libraries which provide various cryptographic algorithms and

    So while the version is '1.0.1e' the subversion has been incremented to 16.el6_5.7. If you are running this version or later, you already have the patch. A restart of your web services is required but the patch should also take care of that for you. If you are still nervous, run the following:

    service httpd restart && service webconfig restart

    The reason why ClearOS backports fixes into existing version numbers rather than incrementing version numbers is for compatibility reasons. Some software depends on different versions, symbols and other objects. Incrementing versions can cause cascading failures in the dependency trees. One of the reasons why ClearOS enjoys such stability comes from the long-standing tradition of fixing software in this manner.

    Here you can read about why other vendors do the same:

  • Secesh, as noted above, the new features of the Professional version are: Google Apps Synchronization, Active Directory Connector, and Central Management.

    All of these services require some element of the SDN to function properly. Additionally, it is the wishes of some of the 3rd party software developers that their software not be made available on a platform that does not have corporate support as this would incur a burden on their support systems. Additionally, some of these providers require us to put controls over licensing and subscription which is anathema to the open source goals of ClearFoundation. This is why we have recommended to ClearCenter that they both maintain the support and incur all the costs associated with the production this separate distribution. This is easy to do right now as ClearFoundation derives nearly all of its financial support from ClearCenter. Moving forward we anticipate greater involvement and greater control over modules on the Community edition by community members.

  • @a5247424 I'm sorry that you are upset but let me explain some things here. Peter is right, Core is not stuck at 6.0 but is at 6.1. We have a current repository with all of their updates built regularly and automatically as our upstream provider releases errata on 6.1. This happens automatically on our backend servers at great cost to the foundation so feel free to contribute. We have a number of people who are working on contributing on the 6.1 code and we need more volunteers to push 6.1 forward. There are less than a dozen packages that need to be worked on but we need more help, especially with mirrors.

    If you have a mirror that you would like us to push the code to, let me know and we'll get it set up. 6.1 core exists only as packages at this point but we will roll it all together when it is done. The total mirror size needs about 90 GB for the whole of ClearOS Core.

    Once we get the dozen packages done we can push them as well and cut 6.1 Core as an ISO.

  • If people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today.… The solution to this is patent exchanges with large companies and patenting as much as we can.

    Bill Gates "Challenges and Strategy" (16 May 1991).

    Bill's solution is to patent as much as he can and then cross license. That is all fine and good if you are the 900 pound gorilla and want the industry to standstill around the select incumbents already in place.

  • I meant no disrespect. In my vernacular nation is a cultural congruity irrespective of sovereignty or borders and my use of island meant a secluded piece of land surrounded by water on all sides.

    As for the beauty thing...
