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    Essay structure

    1. Title leaf (used mainly in student essays).

    2. Introduction Essay. The essence and substantiation of the chosen theme. At this stage, it is necessary to formulate the question to which the answer will be found during the writing of the essay In addition, it is important to determine the relevance of the theme and the terms necessary for its disclosure.

    3. Main part of the essay. The presentation of the answer to the main question. This part comprises an analysis of the available data and the argument of the author's point of view. Depending on the question, the analysis can be carried out on the basis of various philosophical categories, for example: Cause - Corollary, Form - Content, Part is an integer, etc. Each paragraph of your essay should contain only one complete thought.

    4. Conclusion Essay. Summing already made conclusions, summing up common results. In addition, you can once again repeat the main moments of the essay, make an illustrating quote, or to complete the composition of the elevated notes. feeling pretty
  • Essay Writer Help -

    Essay - (from French Essai - "Attempt") a brief, free prosaic essay. Essay expresses the personal opinion of the author on a given topic. The creator of this genre is considered to be M.Monten ("Experiments", 1580). The main task of the essay is to report information or explanation of something. Essay Performs this task through direct author's statement, and it means that neither characters nor the plot are created in the essay.
    Usually, the essay involves a new, subjective opinion about any situation and may have a philosophical, journalistic, critical, scientifically popular and other character.

    In modern school, students are invited to write their own essays when passing most exams: for example, an essay on social science, history essay, on foreign and essay in literature, etc. The purpose of the school essay is the development of the skills of independent creative thinking, a clear and competent written presentation of their own thoughts.

    How to write an essay?
    If you want to know how to write an essay - read the following recommendations for writing the essay regarding its topic and structure.

    Theme essay
    The theme of the essay should serve its goal - to encourage reflection. It may be a controversial thesis, or a well-known saying. Therefore, the formulation of the essay theme usually contains a question and a problem. feeling pretty
  • Una flores tutor
    Custom Paper Writing Service -

    Often students are interested in the question of what is necessary to the author of the essay, in addition to inspiration, for successful work? Talent, literary skill, strict adherence canons? Dovelessly yes!

    However, the best Paper is distinguished primarily by the author of his own point of view. Let it be mistaken, too afraid, paradoxical - she is obliged to be. Mussing of other people's ideas, even if they are now the best, right, advanced, destructive for the writing - it loses its meaning, the essence becomes an uninteresting reader.

    It is also very important to choose the necessary words, correct intonation. To convey your thought to the reader, you need to talk to him in the same language, clearly imagine what he lives. The best people of the era were often incomprehensible to their contemporaries because, as the classic said, they were terribly distant from the people. But all sorts of passing, skillfully playing the feelings of the crowd, owning the tongue of the street, often became folk heroes. Therefore, Paper Writing must certainly be responsible for this complex requirement - to be understandable, close in spirit, by a sign of the reading public. Many chases of the classical tradition insist that the use of slang, slang expressions according to the laws of the genre is unacceptable. Here, the key point is not to use the author of one or another lexicon, but the presence of a sense of style, feelings of measure. The best essays are that bright proof. feeling happy