
Doug Kuhns
Doug Kuhns
0 votes
I'm trying to install ClearOS 7.9 on a Lenovo M70q Gen 2. I installed it on what I thought was an identical system a few months ago. I did update the bios on this computer. Secure Boot is disabled. I can get it to boot to usb, it shows as UEFI. It shows the option to install clearos, troubleshoot, etc and when I select install or troubleshoot, the screen goes blank. I tried different usb drives, flashed with Etcher and Rufus. Is there anyway to make this work? Or is there another Lenovo computer that is compatible with ClearOS? I was going to try the UEFI version of Clearos but all the mirrors give a 404 error.
Tuesday, August 16 2022, 04:29 PM
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  • Accepted Answer

    Doug Kuhns
    Doug Kuhns
    Tuesday, August 16 2022, 06:49 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Their is no RAID controller and even selecting Troubleshoot>Text install still goes to blank screen. Tried hdmi and Dp and a different monitor.
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