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Tonight (25/06/19-26/06/19) the following updated packages are being released:
clamav - increase systemd timeout to allow it to start on lower spec'ed systems
snort - fix minor start up error; stop logs building forever; fix double-restart on logrotation
app-bmbackup - change it to use the same list of files as app-configuration-backup
app-configuration-backup - small update to list of files to be backed up
app-flexshare - fixed the enabled/disabled indicator
app-openvpn - make clients-tcp to output to its own status log making /var/lib/openvpn/openvpn-status.log useful
app-storage - It is not perfect but so much better than before, it is worth releasing

All packages released into the Community last week are being pushed into Business and Home.

You may also have noticed clearos-framework was released mid week last week. This is the fix to allow you to use the Console again! As a result of this, a new installation ISO will be needed.

app-dynamic-vpn - move the updown scripts to from the global conf file to the individual conns. This allows the Dynamic VPN and Static VPN apps to work at the same time. Also some config tidy-ups. The app is ready and tested. It just needs to be pushed to the repos but this has hit a glitch.

Packages available for testing:
app-network - probably not worth testing as there is a pending merge request which may cover some iof the issues found. Also you currently need to have at least two unconfigured interfaces before you can create a bridge interface in the first place. To permanently enable the Add Bridge button, you can change line 74 in /usr/clearos/apps/network/views/ifaces.php to:
if ($available_interface_count >= 0)
This is a separate issue.

Packages available for testing can be installed with:
yum update --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing {package-name}

Packages being worked on:
clamav updated to v0.101.2 but it is not that easy. I'm working on it and can get it to compile but it won't start.
ClearOS ISO - a new one is being rolled tonight with the fix to clearos-framework.
kernel updates to come in to line with a new one from upstream
app-storage - more fixes. UI update, formatting and mounting removable drives.
Tuesday, June 25 2019, 06:31 PM
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