
0 votes
I just tried to keep this simple and to the point. Hope I haven't left anything out. I've been using this for several months and wanted to report these. I have had very good success with it, no complaints at all. Just hoping to add to the success of ClearOS 7.

Software Updates not listed in order of Date/Time applied in Recent Software Activity, Sept, Jun, Aug

Reports stopped working with app-resource-report-2.1.6-1.v7

No Resource Report available for install from Marketplace

Network Visualizer 2.1.7-1 showing old external IP address in Network Traffic Summary and very slow to show any detail. Also when viewing details, it shows "This app is not available - please check your repository settings.". When I select "Enable Repo" I get a 404 Page Not Found.

Network Report 2.1.6-1 shows "Nothing to report...", it used to work.
Saturday, September 12 2015, 02:41 AM
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, September 14 2015, 03:20 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Software Updates not listed in order of Date/Time applied in Recent Software Activity, Sept, Jun, Aug


    Reports stopped working with app-resource-report-2.1.6-1.v7


    No Resource Report available for install from Marketplace


    Network Visualizer 2.1.7-1 showing old external IP address in Network Traffic Summary and very slow to show any detail.

    I found one bug where by default, this app will try and give results from eth0...IOW, you have to click 'Update' least once to set the proper interface...this will be fixed.

    Also when viewing details, it shows "This app is not available - please check your repository settings.".


    When I select "Enable Repo" I get a 404 Page Not Found.

    You need the software repository app installed (app-software-repository). Marketplace should check that this app is installed before displaying that link.

    Network Report 2.1.6-1 shows "Nothing to report...", it used to work.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, September 14 2015, 06:13 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thank you for your response :D . I am having difficulty in reading your response regarding which status is applicable to which issue, based on some of the answers received and what I'm currently experiencing seem to conflict, but at this time I would just like to focus on the part regarding the YUM updates Date/Time and the repository issue with the 404 error at this time. The others are cosmetic issues at best that will come out in the wash. These two might be related and possibly bigger issues.

    I did run 'yum install app-software-repository' as you mentioned being available and it ran these:
    (1/2): app-software-repository-2.1.6-1.v7.noarch.rpm | 12 kB 00:00
    (2/2): app-software-repository-core-2.1.6-1.v7.noarch.rpm | 5.9 kB 00:00

    Using the plugin, I receive a note "Warning You have enabled one or more repositories that may cause system stability/usability issues. These repos are intended for developers, beta testers and advanced users only. Please refer to the online documentation for more detailed information."

    I did unselect clearos-epel and the "may cause system stability/usability" warning went away.

    This may be because I previously tried to install MediaBrowser and used the epel repository. These are the mirrors list when I ran the install. Can I find out which ones are not advised to be enabled please, and any that I might be missing? There are 10 listed below, only 7 entries listed in /etc/yum.repos.d/clearos.repo, but I have 10 files ending in .repo in /etc/yum.repos.d.

    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * clearos:
    * clearos-centos:
    * clearos-centos-updates:
    * clearos-contribs:
    * clearos-epel:
    * clearos-fast-updates:
    * clearos-infra:
    * clearos-paid:
    * clearos-updates:
    * private-clearcenter-dyndns:

    When "Enable Repo" is selected in the Details of the Network Visualizer app, it's now sending me to the Software Repository list, so that's very helpful. Selecting details from Software Repository app that I just installed is showing "This app is not available - please check your repository settings.". Seems like in the Repository Lists displayed, all that have available packages are checked.

    If I get my question above answer regarding what are the best ones to have enabled, I believe we'll have made progress.Thank you.
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