
0 votes
In earlier versions of ClearOS we had to include quite some external repositories to make a workable SABnzbd. Obviously, that didn't help the stabitity of our systems. Or we could stay at very old versions of SABnzbd.
Now, with ClearOS 6 in beta version, we can upgrade to the latest version of SABnzbd, i.e. 0.6.15, with only very few external links. I will describe the entire installation process on a clean ClearOS 6 system step by step. It is assumed that a PuTTY/SSH terminal is available or you can do this from the command line.

First, we need to fetch and install auxilliary program par2cmdline.

yum --enablerepo=epel install par2cmdline

Now, we will generate our own minimal repo file /etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo. Type:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo

and copy-paste following text into the terminal:

name=SABnzbd for RHEL 6 and clones - $basearch - Base

name=RPM Fusion for EL 6 - Nonfree - Test Updates

Hit Esc and type

in order to write the file and leave the vi editor.
It is good practice to remove the last 7 lines of this file (beginning with [rpmfusion ... ]) after the installation, so that this repository will not interfere with future updates from ClearOS itself. The only thing you lose is that unrar will not be updated, but that's unlikely to happen anyway.
Do this only when you're quite satisfied with the installation, but please do it, for your own sake! The [SABnzbd] part needs to stay, so that we will get automatic updates of SABnzbd via yum update.

The final installation is easy:

yum install SABnzbd --enablerepo=clearos-core

This will install 11 packages, 9 from ClearOS plus unrar and SABnzbd itself.

Now we will install SABnzbd as a service on our ClearOS 6 system.
We will need a new, dedicated user for SABnzb. Using webconfig, add a new user, i.e. sabnzb. It can be every name, even an existing user name, but we will use sabnzb here. All configuration info for SABnzbd and all downloaded files of the future will end up in /home/sabnzb.
Provide user name, password and change Login shell to /bin/bash.

Back on the terminal, logout, log in again, now as sabnzb and run the program:


It is important you run the program as sabnzb, as the program will now make a user config file and store it at /home/sabnzb.
On your terminal you will see many commands coming by, ending with URLGrabber starting up.
You will not get a prompt as the program is still running. You can stop it from running at any time by typing Ctrl+C, but we will do some checks first.

With your browser, surf to

(substitute your own url for You should now see a message from SABnzbd, although in my case that didn't happen. I assume this has something to do with the browser, not SABnzbd. It will be addressed later.
Also, check that your home directory contains the user config file:

ls -l /home/sabnzb/.sabnzbd

should present sabnzbd.ini. This file will later be used extensively as all user data is located here. There is a different file containing the system config. We will now set some of the variables of the system config file. Better do that as root, so stop the terminal, start it again, log in as root and type:

vi /etc/sysconfig/SABnzbd

You will probably want to change the lines


sabuser will be sabuser=sabnzb (or whatever your chosen username was)
apikey must be copied/pasted from the user config file /home/sabnzb/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini. This makes sure that both config files refer to the same installation of SABnzbd.
host is the url of your ClearOS system, i.e. host= or whatever your system is at.
port is 8080 by default but can be anything. We will use port=8080 here.
username and password: use the entries for user sabnzb (see above).
You can change the line nicecmd if you want to use nice or ionice (set priorities for i/o). Save and quit by issuing


After all changes are made, we're proceeding by testing the service. Type (still as root):

service SABnzbd start
service SABnzbd status
service SABnzbd stop
service SABnzbd start

It is important to check that the service can stop and restart. If that's not working, re-check host=, apikey=, username=, password=, etc. and make sure they match between user config file and system config file.
According to SABnzbd you should be set now, but in my case that wasn't so. Only after I made one more change to the user config file did I get a response from my browser at

(use your own url instead and make sure the port is open in the firewall). If you don't get a response either, you may try (as I did) to change the line host=localhost or host= to host= (change accordingly) in file /home/sabnzb/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini. For me that did the trick, funny enough.

Also, if you used other non-default entries in the system config file, these should be edited in the user config file as well.

Finally, you will have your SABnzbd service start up automatically by entering at the terminal (still as root):

chkconfig --add SABnzbd
chkconfig --level 345 SABnzbd on

The rest of the installation can be done through the SABnzbd wizard on the browser. Now you should have a nicely running SABnzbd with minimal links to outside repositories.


Wednesday, February 15 2012, 09:26 PM
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Responses (35)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, November 28 2014, 07:50 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hmm.. not when I posted my reply. I did a successful yum update as well. Sab was updated immediately.

    Did you use a webbrowser to go to the posted URL? I bet you did. That won't work. It gives a 404. Yum does know how to handle it though.

    If you try the wiki link you'll see you are able to browse the repository.

    1. Ignore 404
    2. Update /etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo
    3. yum update
    4. sab is updated
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, November 22 2014, 05:36 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Both sites are currently down. Wouldn't be surprised if both sites were the same.
    I do not currently have an alternative repo at hand.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, November 22 2014, 12:13 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Dunno but I would try using this url:

    [strike]Perhaps leave off the "https" prefix. Or add ":443" after ".com". [/strike]

    Found on:
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, November 22 2014, 08:26 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi all,

    I'm trying to setup SAZnzb, but it looks like the site for the repo is down

    is there an alternative ?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, February 08 2014, 09:31 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    hmm, now I am installing a new system on ClearOS 6.5, but not succeeding in installing SABnzb at all..

    After some google-ing:

    [code]Install unrar (symlink to 7z does not work for the dependency):

    rpm -Uvh

    First enable the EPEL repository:

    rpm -Uvh

    Create a SabNZBd repo by pasting the following code in “/etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo”:

    name=SABnzbd for RHEL 6 and clones - $basearch - Base

    Notice! Remove any space in front of each line.

    Install SabNZBd and it’s dependencies:
    yum --enablerepo=clearos-core install SABnzbd

    Start SabNZBd:

    Stop SabNZBd:

    Edit “/[homefolder]/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini” and find the “host” property and remove the “localhost” value. This way it looks up and listens to the system ip address.

    Start SabNZBd:
    SABnzbd -d -f /root/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 06:37 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Yes, Marcel, the opening post was updated. Everything should be fine now.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 06:24 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    So the opening post is up to date? If so then it is not necessary to make a new how-to. Thanks!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 06:14 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    That would be great!, but adding "--enablerepo=clearos-core" to yum did the trick indeed!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 05:44 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Sure, Nick, it has happened.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 05:22 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    @Roel, can you add the switch as in this post to your guide?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 04:45 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thank you, Tim. I'm om 6.5 myself and hadn't realized that brend's question was about the latest final and stable version. I do encounter short syncing problems between mirrors, though. This is usually corrected within a few days. I see no reason at all for a new How-To as nothing has changed, but if anybody can improve it I would welcome that.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 02:27 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I think it's time for a new how-to. If i have some time i see what i can do.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 11:21 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Ok, I'll try again tonigh.. Thanks!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 09:46 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    ClearOS 6.4 is stable / final release

    ClearOS 6.5 is currently in beta, and can be tested by enabling the clearos-updates-testing repo. If you want to install third party packages outside of the normal clearos repos then you'll likely need to enable clearos-core as Nick posted above.

    The mirors do change and sometimes there are somtimes short periods when packages are moving around, but it is incorrect to state that they are all 'beta'
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, October 02 2013, 09:15 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hmm, that's weird. I would assume that 6.4 is stable, and only 6.5 is in a beta stage at this moment. But is the whole 6-ClearOS serie a Beta?

    In that case it is might better to stay at version 5?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 01 2013, 08:56 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Add the "--enablerepo=clearos-core" switch to the yum command and it will work (for pyOpenSSL at least).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 01 2013, 08:25 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Brend,

    I would advise to wait a bit and try again. It's my experience that ClearOS 6 sometimes is incomplete for a while, but this is repaired in a few day's time. It's a beta system after all.
    Obviously you could try running
    yum install pyOpenSSL python-cheetah
    but if that doesn't solve things immediately I would just wait for a few days.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 01 2013, 08:04 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I am re-installing my system. Now ClearOS 6.4 After following the first post of this threat, I'll get the following error:

     yum install SABnzbd
    Loaded plugins: clearcenter-marketplace, fastestmirror
    ClearCenter Marketplace: fetching repositories...
    ClearCenter Marketplace: malformed repository data response.
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * clearos:
    * clearos-addons:
    * clearos-contribs:
    * clearos-dev:
    * clearos-developer:
    * clearos-epel:
    * clearos-extras:
    * clearos-updates:
    * epel:
    * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing:
    Setting up Install Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.7.16-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: unzip for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: python-yenc for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: python-cheetah for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: pyOpenSSL for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: par2cmdline for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: nc for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.7.16-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: python-cheetah for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: pyOpenSSL for package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch
    ---> Package nc.i686 0:1.84-22.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package par2cmdline.i686 0:0.4.tbb.20100203-3.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: for package: par2cmdline-0.4.tbb.20100203-3.el6.i686
    ---> Package python-yenc.i686 0:0.3-9.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package unzip.i686 0:6.0-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch (SABnzbd)
    Requires: pyOpenSSL
    Error: Package: SABnzbd-0.7.16-1.el6.noarch (SABnzbd)
    Requires: python-cheetah
    Error: Package: par2cmdline-0.4.tbb.20100203-3.el6.i686 (clearos-epel)
    You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
    ClearCenter Marketplace close

    The following packages are missed for succesfull install SABnzbd. pyOpenSSL, python-cheetah How can I install them manually?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, October 25 2012, 05:17 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    it worked, In the ini file at /etc/sysconfig I had the wrong login credentials for the NZB-user. Only problem at this moment is that the service is stopped directly. Also when I am logged in the shell and start the service, it stops also directly....
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, October 22 2012, 10:42 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    When I get some time I can rewrite the steps to cover installation and steal the op's configuration instructions if it helps
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, October 22 2012, 10:31 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    When I looked over it I followed the install method and OP's post to configure it, I have it working. So read over the OP's post first. I added a bit to simplify the installation side of it

    Tested on Clear 6.3 Community x64 i386 and Pro 6.3 x64

    Works fine on all of them, something I have noticed however is that with my install method that it happens to want to use the same port 8080 which coincidentally in use by dansguardian av so I changed that to port 8085 when you first run it as whatever user you created to generate and run the configuration files

    The port change I assume has changed sometime between the original op's post and my own
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, October 22 2012, 08:50 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    herballizard wrote:
    Yeap changed ownership of it, but premission wise it would not work with anything but 777 on the logs folder which is me being a bit lazy but this current build I will be rebuilding once I get the rest of my drives back from rma

    Also I found that I simply downloaded and installed unrar from

    rpm -Uvh

    Enabled epel from

    rpm -Uvh

    Created a SAB repo
    nano /etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo

    name=SABnzbd for RHEL 6 and clones - $basearch - Base

    And I didn't need to touch the other repo

    yum install par2cmdline SABnzbd

    herballizard: If you follow your steps, does SABnzbd run properly? (or what did you have to change..?)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 16 2012, 01:39 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    when I follow the last installation instructions, everything seems to be fine, exept when I start sabnzbd. When I ask for the status I get the following:

    [root@server ~]# service SABnzbd status
    SABnzbd (pid ) is running...
    [root@server ~]# service SABnzbd stop
    - no reaction further, have to stop with CTRL+C

    The service does not have a PID number, and cannot be stopped. Also after a reboot it is started.. I updated and followed all the steps above. Even after 2 clean installs. Still the same fault. What am I doing wrong? I am using ClearOS 6.3 and created a user "newsgroup" for sabnzbd
    The reply is currently minimized Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, May 06 2012, 08:50 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Yeap changed ownership of it, but premission wise it would not work with anything but 777 on the logs folder which is me being a bit lazy but this current build I will be rebuilding once I get the rest of my drives back from rma

    Also I found that I simply downloaded and installed unrar from

    rpm -Uvh

    Enabled epel from

    rpm -Uvh

    Created a SAB repo
    nano /etc/yum.repos.d/SABnzbd.repo

    name=SABnzbd for RHEL 6 and clones - $basearch - Base

    And I didn't need to touch the other repo

    yum install par2cmdline SABnzbd
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, May 06 2012, 07:18 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi herbalizard,

    Your admin directory is not owned by sabnzb. Mine admin directory is owned by saber or in your case sabnzb.

    Mine sabnzbd.ini has -rw------ permisions and is owned by sabuser.
    The reply is currently minimized Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, May 06 2012, 01:00 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Roel what are your permissions on

    ls -l


    Because about the only way I could get it to work was to add chmod -R 777 logs/

    Since every time I attempted

    service SABnzbd start
    Starting SABnzbd: Error:
    Can't write to logfile

    Currently I have
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 May 6 22:50 admin
    drwxrwxrwx. 2 sabnzb root 4096 May 6 22:52 logs
    -rw-r--r--. 1 sabnzb root 3620 May 6 22:34 sabnzbd.ini
    -rw-r--r--. 1 sabnzb root 3620 May 6 22:35 sabnzbd.ini.bak
    The reply is currently minimized Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, April 26 2012, 09:32 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Theo,
    I only noticed this now after your remark. My original text must have been too long and therefore having been shortened by the editor. In themirrorlist-rpmfusion line a piece of text was replaced by "... ". You can try to reconstruct the line, but it's probably faster to remove this line and uncomment (removing the leading #) the previous line containing baseurl. This way you will not search for the fastest mirror, that's the only drawback.
    The reply is currently minimized Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, April 26 2012, 08:56 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I just installed the Clearos 6.2 today on a new server.
    I thought im gonna install sabnzbd with this but im wrong.

    When i try :
    yum --enablerepo=epel install par2cmdline

    I get :
    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Repository 'rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing': Error parsing config: Error parsing "mirrorlist = ''": URL must be http, ftp, file or https not ""

    Error getting repository data for epel, repository not found

    How can i solve this ? are is there a walk around for this ?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 13 2012, 05:35 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    herballizard wrote:
    Something I have been meaning to ask why not just download and compile rar from the likes of rarlab an just run make && make install ???

    I used the rpm forge repo to install unrar. The most ideal situation build a version with the new building system...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 13 2012, 02:28 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Something I have been meaning to ask why not just download and compile rar from the likes of rarlab an just run make && make install ???
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, April 12 2012, 04:18 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Theo,
    If including the "http"-part makes the difference for you, that's fine. It was not necessary in my case so I left it out.
    You seem to have skipped the rpmfusion-part so you don't have unrar, which is necessary for SABnzbd to load.
    My policy is to use rpmfusion only once for downloading unrar, but remove the repository from the list once that is done. This way you will not get any updates of unrar (which shouldn't be too big an issue) but at least you are sure you will not pick up unwanted upgrades of other apps which might interfere with the stability of your system.
    Hope this helps,
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, April 12 2012, 03:31 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Is it correct this approach isnt working anymore ?
    When i yum install SABnzbd

    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Repository 'SABnzbd': Error parsing config: Error parsing "baseurl = '" target="_blank">'": URL must be http, ftp, file or https not ""
    Repository 'rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing': Error parsing config: Error parsing "mirrorlist = '" target="_blank">'": URL must be http, ftp, file or https not ""
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * clearos:
    * clearos-addons:
    * clearos-extras:
    * clearos-updates:
    Setting up Install Process
    No package SABnzbd available.
    Error: Nothing to do

    Ok i changed the
    baseurl=" target="_blank">

    baseurl=http://" target="_blank">

    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
    Repository 'rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing': Error parsing config: Error pars ing "mirrorlist = ' 6_64'": URL must be http, ftp, file or https not ""
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
    * clearos:
    * clearos-addons:
    * clearos-extras:
    * clearos-updates:
    SABnzbd | 2.5 kB 00:00
    SABnzbd/primary_db | 3.7 kB 00:00
    Setting up Install Process
    Resolving Dependencies
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.6.15-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: unzip for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: python-cheetah for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noar ch
    --> Processing Dependency: nc for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: pyOpenSSL for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: wget for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: python-yenc for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Processing Dependency: unrar for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.6.15-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: unrar for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    ---> Package nc.x86_64 0:1.84-22.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package pyOpenSSL.x86_64 0:0.10-2.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package python-cheetah.x86_64 0:2.4.1-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: python-pygments for package: python-cheetah-2.4.1-1.e l6.x86_64
    --> Processing Dependency: python-markdown for package: python-cheetah-2.4.1-1.e l6.x86_64
    ---> Package python-yenc.x86_64 0:0.3-9.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package unzip.x86_64 0:6.0-1.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package wget.x86_64 0:1.12-1.4.el6 will be installed
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.6.15-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: unrar for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    ---> Package python-markdown.noarch 0:2.0.1-3.1.el6 will be installed
    ---> Package python-pygments.noarch 0:1.1.1-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: python-setuptools for package: python-pygments-1.1.1- 1.el6.noarch
    --> Running transaction check
    ---> Package SABnzbd.noarch 0:0.6.15-1.el6 will be installed
    --> Processing Dependency: unrar for package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch
    ---> Package python-setuptools.noarch 0:0.6.10-3.el6 will be installed
    --> Finished Dependency Resolution
    Error: Package: SABnzbd-0.6.15-1.el6.noarch (SABnzbd)
    Requires: unrar
    You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, February 16 2012, 05:30 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I missed the part of removing the 7 lines of the fusion repo. I apologize... Your approche is clear.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, February 16 2012, 04:42 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Marcel,
    My suggestion is to entirely remove the rpm-fusion part after installation. I do not expect unrar being updated very often and rpm-fusion is a large repo, so I would prefer to leave it out entirely after unrar has been installed.
    The SABnzbd part, on the other hand, is advised to stay in. SABnzbd is updated very frequently (more than 10 updates the last 6 months) and this way you will benefit from every yum update, so you will always have the latest version. The SABnzbd repo part refers to a very small fedora repo. You always take some risk when allowing outside repo's but this risk is calculated.
    Obviously, your suggestion is excellent. Problem is, that many people don't know exactly what the --enablerepo part means or will have forgotten the repo name and will just do a yum update. I wanted to make sure that these people also will get (frequent) updates, with still minimal risk. That's why I left out all the other repo stuff that is normally included and brought it back to the bare minimum. Most ClearOS systems are in environments where reliability is key. Anyway, this is my approach.
    I think this will be much safer than the situation under ClearOS 5.2, with many external repos needed.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, February 16 2012, 04:09 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Roel,

    Thanks for the how-to. I Also use this method to install SABnzbd.

    Just a small note isn't better to disable the SABnzbd and fushion repo by default? Use the --enablerepo=blabla parameter?
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