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Current and Past User Guides

If you are new to ClearOS, first, take the time to understand the differences between ClearOS Community and Professional. It is a lot easier to start off on a ClearOS Professional free evaluation than to start over again by re-installing. There are also ways that you can obtain ClearOS Professional without a monetary cost.

For those installing any ClearOS version for the first time, please take a moment to read the Installation Guide.

Once installed and up and running, you'll want to refer to the User Guide which provides information and documentation for specific apps that can be installed via Marketplace (or command line interface).

For those familiar with ClearOS (or Linux in general), there are a number of wiki-style guides that are targeted towards more advanced users looking to implement specific features not available through the Webconfig UI. Those knowledge-based articles are available here.


ClearBOX documentation includes information general to ClearBOX and specific to versions of ClearBOX. Additionally, these guides can contain best practices and deployment scenarios.


The following contain documentation relative to other ClearOS services and features.

Legacy Products

If you are using a former version of ClearOS, you can use these documents to support your existing version. Please note that legacy documents many not have information about patches or development initiatives which are back-ported to an older version.

Legacy Docs

Some legacy documents are still available on the old websites. They are included here in case there are functional errors in a document on this site (


userguides/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/16 09:49 by pbaldwin