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Install SugarCRM on ClearOS

This guide covers installing SugarCRM on ClearOS 6.x. ClearOS 5.x can also run SugarCRM but will need modifications to the underlying PHP libraries. Consider using ClearOS 6.x instead.


You will need to have the following modules/apps installed and configured from the ClearOS Marketplace in order to deploy SugarCRM:

  • MySQL Server
  • Web Server

In your Web Server, you will need to decide which place you will host your files. You can either create a virtual server for just your CRM or you can also place SugarCRM in a subfolder of your default server or a subfolder in a virtual server. In this HowTo we will be placing our CRM in a subfolder of a virtual server in order to demonstrate that you can run multiple instances of SugarCRM all from the same server.

It is useful to run multiple instances of SugarCRM. At a minimum, we suggest three instances (especially if you are new to SugarCRM). You can use one instance as a demo so that you can play around with existing data (you will see the option later discussed), and you can set up another instance as a 'test' area in case you do any customizations and you want to see how they will look, and lastly you can have your production data and instance.

SugarCRM also requires some changes to your PHP environment which you will need to make via command line. You will also need the GD library.

yum -y install php-gd
vi /etc/php.ini

Change this line:

upload_max_filesize = 2M

To this:

upload_max_filesize = 10M

After you make these changes, stop and start your web server.

service httpd restart

Getting the code

From SugarCRM's site you can navigate to the download at the bottom of their page where it says 'Download Community Edition'. From here you can download the 'no support' Community version or begin your trial of the paid version. As with other open source projects, using the paid version is a great way to further development of the project. If you are using SugarCRM for your business and it will become core to what you are doing, you will get a lot of benefit from using the paid version. This is especially true if you need it to do some custom things particular to your line of business or if you ever need support because you messed up your data.<\Shameless plug>

If you download the code to your computer, you will need to transfer it to your ClearOS server. You can do this using the flexshare method associated with the Web server option selected for uploads, WinSCP, or any other method. Additionally, you can use wget from command line. As of this writing the latest SugarCRM is 6.5.15.

yum -y install wget

Once you have copied this file to your server, unzip the file:

yum -y install unzip

This will create a directory with a name similar to SugarCE-Full-6.5.15.

You will need to move the contents of this directory to your Web Server that you have provisioned. At a minimum, you will need to do at least one of the following:

  • Copy the data under your default web server location /var/www/html/
  • Copy the data under your virtual web server location /var/www/virtual/
  • Copy the data into a folder under one of the two methods above for multiple CRMs per site.

In my case, I've created a virtual server called Because I want to have multiple instances of SugarCRM running I will use a sub directory instead of placing it in the root folder. I'm going to use the name 'corporate'. So I used the following commands to move the date from my /root/ directory and set up my directory under my virtual server(change the path to be your directory):

mv /root/SugarCE-Full-6.5.15 /var/www/virtual/
mv /var/www/virtual/ /var/www/virtual/
chown -R --reference /var/www/virtual/ /var/www/virtual/
chmod -R --reference /var/www/virtual/ /var/www/virtual/
chown -R apache /var/www/virtual/
chmod 766 /var/www/virtual/
chmod 766 /var/www/virtual/
chmod 766 /var/www/virtual/
chmod -R 766 /var/www/virtual/

With the server running and the default data where it should be, navigate to the root directory of the web server. In my case it is:

You will be presented with the start of the setup wizard.

SugarCRM wizard start screen

Choose your language and click Next.

Read through the next page. You may also want to print this page as it has many useful facts about how SugarCRM will be installed. Click Next.


SugarCRM is licensed under GPLv3. Check the 'I Accept' box and click Next.

The next screen reviews all of the prerequisites to install SugarCRM. If you have been following this guide closely, you will have addressed these issues through the install process if not, by default, SugarCRM requires that you:

  • Make the config.php file writable to the web server.
  • Make the custom directory writable to the web server.
  • Make the cache directory and sub-directories writable to the web server.
  • Make the modules directory writable to the web server.
  • Make the uploads directory writable to the web server.

If you pass the test, the system will do a short count down and proceed with this screen:

SugarCRM - Typical or Custom

This guide covers the typical install. Click Next.

On the next screen, you will have the mysqli driver listed, click Next.

In the database configuration page, fill in the appropriate fields:

  • Database name
    • You can use the default or change it if you plan to run multiple instances on this server
  • Host Name
    • For the hostname, change the hostname to localhost if the database is (or will be) located on this server.
  • Database Administrator Username
    • For the username, specify 'root'. Alternately, you can use a different username if you have created privileges already in MySQL.
  • Sugar Database Username
    • Leave the default 'Same as Admin User', unless you want to specify an additional admin who already has privileges in MySQL for this database.
  • Populate Database with Demo Data?
    • Select 'No' unless this is going to be your demo instance.

SugarCRM database configuration

In the next screen, you will need to specify the user with admin privileges. This can be a real user or you can use 'admin'.

SugarCRM admin

You will be given a summary of the things you have configured. Review the summary and fix any problems that may exist. You will want to add the scheduler at this time as well.

crontab -e

Add this line (change the path to the appropriate place of the cron.php file):

  • * * * * cd /var/www/virtual/; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

Click the 'Install' button to finish. The wizard should report that the installation completed successfully. Click 'Next' to continue.

Finally, you can register with SugarCRM to receive emails and provide feedback. Once you are done, click 'Next' to continue.

Congratulations, you've installed SugarCRM and can now log in and get to work.

SugarCRM installed

Other Tips

content/en_us/kb_o_install_sugarcrm_on_clearos.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/23 14:43 (external edit)