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Tracker Start

If you think you have found a bug, please report it! You may end up saving other ClearOS users a lot of time and frustration by taking a minute or four to report an issue. If you are new to bug reports, please take some time to read this document. Here's a link to jump right into the bugs and feature tracker:

Reporting Bugs

In order to report bugs, you must first request a developer account. Please see the getting started information on how to make the request. This may seem like an onerous step for some, but experience tells us that opening the bug tracker to anonymous users is problematic:

  • Too many bugs are filed with insufficient information.
  • A minority of users abuse the system and attempt to transform the system into a technical support help desk. We know who you are… please stop :-)

Reporting a Security Issue

If you think you have found a security issue that is not publicly known, please report it directly to In the future, we will provide a mechanism to report these issues in the bug tracker.

Reporting Guidelines

Bug or Not-a-Bug?

It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a bug and a non-bug. For example, you may find that your Internet connection has become unstable. It could be a firewall issue, or it could be a satellite communications error caused by a solar flares (yes, it does happen!). If you are unsure, then the best place to discuss it is in the online forums. The Bug Team, Moderators, and Developers are always on the prowl.

Creating a Bug Report

The Bug Team certainly realizes that bug tracking software is not exactly for everyone. However, a detailed bug report is very much appreciated. Here are some guidelines for bug reports:

  • If you are more comfortable using the forums or e-mail, then please do so!
  • Please do not use the tracker for technical support issues, bugs only.
  • Details, details and more details.

That's the short version. If you have a couple of minutes, then the Simon Tatham memo on how to report bugs effectively is well worth the read.

Workflow / Lifecycle

A bug generally goes through the following lifecycle in the Bug Tracker

NewThe status just after the bug report has been submitted
FeedbackThe feedback status is set when more detailed information is required
AcknowledgedIf the initial bug report cannot be duplicated right away, the bug is acknowledged by one of the Bug Team members
ConfirmedThe status is changed to confirmed if the bug can be verified or duplicated
AssignedWhen a developer is ready to take on responsibility for fixing the bug or adding the feature, the assigned status is set
ResolvedThe bug fix or feature was committed to the source code system
ClosedThe bug fix or feature has been packaged and released
content/en_us/dev_bug_tracker_start.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/21 08:10 (external edit)