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Web Site Bypass - Site List

In some circumstances, you may need to by-pass the proxy server. Typically, this is required for web sites that are not proxy-friendly. You can read more about this feature in the User Guide. If you find a web site or web service that requires a bypass, please add it to the list below!


Tivo personal video recorders are unable to connect without a bypass. Tivo's network is

Java Update

It has been reported in the community forums that Java client updates (at least for some versions) do not work behind the ClearOS proxy. The URL works for some users. You can find more information in the following following forum thread

Apple Updater

The Apple updater application fails to download updates without a bypass. Adding a bypass for the URL allows it to update.

iTunes Music Downloads

content/en_us/dev_apps_web_site_bypass_-_site_list.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/23 13:48 by dloper