User Certificates
The User Certificates app provides a one-stop location for end users who need to access security settings for the desktop systems, namely:
- SSL Certificates (including PKCS12)
- OpenVPN configuration
To access the User Certificates, log in is the user then click on the users name on the top right of the screen. A menu will open up with a User Certificates option.
Security Certificates - E-mail / PKCS#12
If your system administrator has enabled encryption and digital signatures on the mail system and has enabled Security Certificates in your ClearOS profile, click on the button to download the PKCS#12 file. You will be prompted for a password.
Personal Security Keys
If your system administrator has enabled Security Certificates in your ClearOS profile, you can download all the necessary security and configuration to connect via OpenVPN. You will need to download the following files to configure your connection:
- Certificate
- Certificate Authority
- Private Key
- OpenVPN Configuration File