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User Tools

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User Certificates

The User Certificates app provides a one-stop location for end users who need to access security settings for the desktop systems, namely:

  • SSL Certificates (including PKCS12)
  • OpenVPN configuration

Unlike most of the other pages in the webconfig system, this one is designed to be accessed by the end user. To view the information on this page, login with the end user's username (instead of root).

Security Keys - Menu

You can find this feature in the menu system at the following location:

My Account|Accounts|User Certificates

Security Keys - Configuration

Security Keys - E-mail / PKCS#12

If your system administrator has enabled encryption and digital signatures on the mail system, click on the to download and install the PKCS#12 file.

Security Keys - OpenVPN

If your system administrator has enabled OpenVPN on your ClearOS system, you can download all the necessary security and configuration to connect via VPN (virtual private networking). You will need to download all the files to configure your connection:

  • Certificate Authority
  • Certificate
  • Key
  • OpenVPN Configuration File
content/en_us/6_user_certificates.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/11 12:18 (external edit)